Season greetings and review of 2023
Review of the year
We would like to say thank you to all the people supporting DECICE this year. Thank you to all of our partners working hard on our project to achieve important steps towards our objectives. We are already looking forward to an interesting next year full of accomplishments, collaboration and making an impact in the Cloud, Edge and IoT domain.
Stay posted!
6 Events organised
The DECICE partner organised 6 online, hybrid or on-site events since the Kick off in November 2022.
17 Events attended
Our DECICE project was presented by our partners at 17 external events. Take a look at the overview and find out more information.
3 Publications
Our DECICE partners wrote 3 publications which were published in HiPEA info70, Computing Frontiers 2023 and Scientific Data.
34 News Articles
Within the project we created an incredible amount of 34 news article about related topics, events and first results.
160 Social Media
DECICE posted 160 Twitter and LinkedIn posts about our events, publications, first results and interesting articles.
2 Newsletter
DECICE newsletters were created to inform all interested stakeholders about the project progress and upcoming events.
Check out our 2nd Newsletter too: https://preview.mailerlite.io/preview/284966/emails/107543934835623001
Subscribe here to our Newsletter to make sure you never miss out on vital DECICE news. Alternatively, a link to the newsletter signup form has been provided directly on the website as well as on the news subpage of the DECICE Project website.
Subscribe the DECICE Newsletter NOW: https://dashboard.mailerlite.com/forms/284966/101559467118691927/share
Author: Denise Drossos (SYNYO)
SYNYO: https://www.synyo.com/
X-mas, Christmas, New year, review 2023, SYNYO, DECICE, EU-Project